Lakeview Financial offers an industry-leading online contracting system from SureLC designed to make submitting carrier contracts easier, faster and more accurate.
SureLC is a single repository that manages all aspects of your licensing & contracting needs. It is a program we are providing for you FREE OF CHARGE. It provides you up-to-date licensing statuses for each state license you maintain, as well as up to date contracting status with your carrier partners.
Licensing Tutorials:
- How to Register with Surancebay
- Confirming an Appointment Request
- Clearing Cookies
- SureLC Adobe PDF Configuration Setup
- Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Course from SuranceBay
- How to Add an E&O Policy to Surancebay
*By completing the contracting you give Lakeview Financial permission to send you email and text correspondence. You may opt out at any time by replying to the correspondence with STOP or UNSUBSCRIBE.
Errors and Omissions (E&O)
360° Coverage Pros has designed an Errors and Omissions Insurance Plan exclusively for agents of Lakeview Financial and helps to protect against claims arising from the sale and servicing of insurance products.