ePolicy Delivery Information
Term only
*If client has questions about e-Policy, call 800-638-8428 opt.5 ext.6971 – need policy #
You can elect eDelivery when taking an application through the Equitable Life e-App platform when it becomes available.
When submitting a paper application, complete the electronic policy delivery authorization form and submit with the application.
eDelivery is currently not available for the following products and programs:
- Guaranteed Issue
- COIL Institutional Series
- International Underwriting Program
You can elect E-Delivery with paper applications and E-App
Elect E-Delivery simply by including the Electronic Transactions and Disclosure form (ET-ELEDISC), available both on AppBuilder and E-App.
E-Delivery is currently not available for the following states:
- Alabama
- California
- Colorado
- Florida
- Iowa
- Maine
- Missouri
- New Hampshire
- Ohio
- Rhode Island
- Utah
- West Virginia
John Hancock:
• Agents will be asked to enter the last four digits of his/her Social Security Number
• Owner and insured will be asked to enter the last four digits of the insured’s Social Security Number and insured’s
year of birth (e.g.,12341970 if the insured was born in 1970)
Lincoln Financial:
Term and Universal Life
No electronic payment option (except for TermAccel)
Payment options: check, or fill out an EFT form and return with a void check to draft.
TermAccel cases are ePolicy
Sent to Lakeview Financial case manager to approve, then sent to agent and agent sends to client.
For Life and MoneyGuard policies utilizing eDelivery through iPipeline’s DocFast or DocuSign, the client will now have an option to receive a PIN for Authentication via text message (cell) or automated phone call (landline), in lieu of providing the last 4 digits of their SSN. The PIN method will be based on the phone number type (cell or landline) provided for the client
For ePolicy issues, can call Ipipeline: 1-800-641-6557 option 2.
Nationwide YourLife® Guaranteed Level Term
Nationwide YourLife® 20-Pay Whole Life
Nationwide YourLife® Simplified Whole Life
Nationwide® Indexed Universal Life Accumulator II
Nationwide® Indexed Universal Life Protector II
Nationwide® No-Lapse Guarantee Universal Life II
Nationwide CareMatters® II
Nationwide New Heights® Indexed Universal
Life Accumulator
Nationwide® Survivorship Indexed Universal Life
eDelivery eligibility requirements
The following criteria must be met for a case to be eligible for the eDelivery process:
- Application submitted via SimpleSubmit® or a paper application submitted with the eDelivery Consent Form
- New Business (Policy Change cases are not eligible at this time)
- Classic Term or ADDvantage® Term policy
- Proposed insured is the owner and payor
- Client provided an email address
- Email address on file for soliciting agent
How it works
To request eDelivery on an eApplication, simply answer the electronic delivery question “yes” within SimpleSubmit. To request eDelivery on a paper application, submit the eDelivery Consent Form with the application. When eDelivery is requested on a case that meets the eDelivery eligibility requirements, it will automatically go through the new process when a policy is issued. Below are the detailed steps that you and your client will experience when a policy is issued through the eDelivery process.
Pacific Life:
Lakeview Case Manager will review and release the policy to the agent, the agent will review and then release it to the client.
The client will receive an email with a link to access the policy (to log in the use the last 4 digits of their ssn, zip code, and DOB)
Client can then review pdf of policy and e-sign delivery requirements and make payment.
Available for Principal Term life products. (All Term policies will default to eDelivery)
Applicants must have a valid email address. If they don’t, the policy should be printed and signed.
Approved in all states except New York.
- The policy will be emailed to you for your review (If physical signature is preferred, simply print the policy and proceed as usual. If there are policy changes, there will be an option to return for correction).
- Your client will receive an email with the policy for their review and an eSignature.
- You’ll receive an email with the policy for final review and an eSignature (if required).
- All parties who eSigned will receive the signed policy via email, which can be printed if desired.
Term and Universal Life
E-Pay options: credit card, EFT.
Client can call Protective’s Policyholder Services Department for assistance: 800-866-9933
Producers and clients may opt-in to electronic policy delivery (eDelivery) on a case-by-case basis by completing the Consent for Electronic Delivery form during the iGO eApp submission process.
- All Term Products
- Select Permanent Products Without an Illustration*
- Single Insured Only (Social Security Number required)
- Single Individual Policyowner (Social Security Number required; no entities or multiple owners)
Restrictions: Not Available in Guam, on NY Replacements, Juveniles, Placed Changes or Term Conversions.
Once Lakeview releases the policy to you as the agent, you can sign into the ePolicy using the last 4 digits of the policy owner’s social security number. You will review and then release to the client for their signature.
- The eApplication must be completed directly with the proposed insured
- Accurately identify the state in which the client will sign the application
- Client needs to have an active email address
- Use “Sign Now” only if applicant is in-person
- The client can go to https://www.mysbli.com , click on Register Now and follow the prompts to complete the registration.
- Either print or save the policy as it will only be available for 60 days on the website.
- Provide the client’s specific policy number to register.
- If further assistance is needed, please call customer service department (800) 694-7254.
Term only and SecureCare
Opt-in to eDelivery while applying through eApp
*If client has questions about e-Policy, they can call 800-328-6124
option 1
To provide ease and better align with your business practice, you can now view client service and policy documents online.
This allows you faster access to billing notices, annual policy reviews, or even general confirmations before your clients receive it in the mail. Additionally, these online documents are updated daily based on their prior activity – helping you to stay in the know and better serve your clients.
By using the website every day, waiting around for paper documents may become a thing of the past!
Use our step-by-step guide, to get started and find what you need today.
Need access to the Securian Advisor site?
Follow the instructions below to get registered and gain access to these digital documents plus many more resources.
Sent to Lakeview Financial case manager to approve, then sent to agent and agent sends to client.
DocFast who handles the E-Delivery has a number as well as an email to use in case of needing assistance:
- Phone Number: (800) 641-6557
- Email: support@ipipeline.com
E-policy available for both iGo platform (elected at the time of Agent completing iGO app) and paper applications (client will need to sign the eConsent and eDelivery Terms and Conditions forms.
E-policy is emailed direct to the Client
DocFast who handles the E-Delivery has a number as well as an email to use in case of needing assistance:
- Phone Number: (800) 641-6557
- Email: support@ipipeline.com
- Website: https://www.customerportal.ipipeline.com/docfast-e-delivery-help-desk/
15 days after the policy was e-delivered to the client, if there is no signature on any delivery requirements, the electronic delivery will be voided, and a paper application will be mailed out to the agent.
Cases that are not Eligible for eDelivery:
• New York, Guam, Puerto Rico, or Virgin Islands**
• Non-person owner types, such as organizations and
trusts, or multiple owners
• Insured or owner is not a U.S. resident
• Insured is a juvenile
• The payor is other than insured or owner and the EFT
Delivery requirement is present
• Insured and/or owner email address is missing
• Insured and/or owner SSN is missing
Policy PDF Information
Policy/Delivery Requirements are available online.
Clients can register for an account- Complete the quick two-step registration process to access your Allianz account online. You will need to verify your name, Social Security number, and date of birth.
By registering your account online, you will have access to contract values, statements, the ability to change allocations, and access to yearly tax statements. You will also be able to download additional service forms pertaining to your contract or policy.
Equitable (Axa):
All policies will be sent out via PDF once they are available. The PDF is typically available shortly after the policy is issued.
Remember all delivery requirements can be eSigned or sent via email or fax.
The only requirements that must be wet signed are 1035 and replacement forms where the state/industry enforces the ink signatures.
The carrier will mail the paper policy to the agent. In addition, if valid emails were provided for the client and agent, a pdf copy of the policy will also be emailed.
Delivery requirements can be Docusigned, but the authentication page must be included.